Mike Ranta's 3rd Cross-Canada Canoe Voyage

October 10, 2017: Mike, Spitzii and David ended their journey early in Killarney, Ontario just before entering Georgian Bay, hampered by constant poor weather. Mike's canoe journey in 2016 from Pacific to Atlantic in 200 days is an amazing record not likely to be broken.
Route: Bella Bella BC; Williams Lake; Kinbasket Lake (Golden); Columbia River; portage Golden to Lake Louise/Bankff AB; Bow River to Canmore; Calgary; Bassano AB; Old Man River; Medicine Hat AB; North Saskatchewan River; Saskatoon; South Saskatchewan River; Nipawin Rivers and Tobin Lake; Cumberland House; Lake Diefenbaker SK; The Pas MB; Cedar Lake; Grand Rapids MB; Lake Winnipeg; Winnipeg River; Fort Alexander, MB; Kenora ON; Lake of the Woods; Fort Frances First Nation; Prairie Portage, ON; Pigeon River; Atikokan ON; Lake Superior; Marathon, ON; Montréal River; Blind River; Georgian Bay; Port Severn; Trent-Severyn Waterway; Lake Ontario; Belleville; Kingston; Rideau Waterway; Ottawa ON; Ottawa River; St. Lawrence Seaway; Montreal PQ; Riviere-du-Loup; portage to Lake Temiscouata PQ; Madawaska River NB; St. John, NB: Cambridge-Narrows; Canaan River; portage to Shediac NB; Tatamagouch NB; Bras d’Or Lake; Dominion Beach NS.