Get Ready for Boating Season

- Does everyone in the family have their PCOC (Pleasure Craft Operators Card)? Make sure they have it with them whenever you go boating - you never know when they may need to take the wheel.
- Check the list of required equipment for your size and type of boat. The regulations may have changed since you last checked, and there are more and more water-side checks by police boats.
- On a related topic, check the latest regulations in your province about carrying, drinking alcohol on a boat. You don't want to take the chance of losing your driving licence - yes that's for your car.
- If you ever go boating near the border, check the latest regulations for entering the U.S.. You never know when weather or breakdowns will require you to enter a U.S. port.
- Even though your VHF radio doesn't require a licence, everyone in the crew needs a Marine Radio operator's certificate to talk on the radio? You have a VHF radio right? It's superior to a cell phone for boating emergencies.
- There's still time to take a first aid course or CPR training. There are no doctors out on the water...
- While you're at it, print a couple of "float plan" sheets to fill in and leave with friends when you take a trip or cruise this summer.
- Last is the pre-launch checklist. Happy boating and have a great summer!
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