Fund created for U.S. Sailor stabbed in Halifax

Labels: Damon Crooks, Halifax, U.S. sailor stabbing
for – providing boating information since 1996
Labels: Damon Crooks, Halifax, U.S. sailor stabbing
NEXUS trusted traveler programs for air, marine and highway are now a single program. Canadians who get a NEXUS card ($80 good for 5 years) can cross the border more easily. Applicants must submit to a background check, be interviewed by U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers, have their iris photographed, and be fingerprinted. A NEXUS membership can be used instead of a passport for travel to the U.S. after January 23, 2007.
Labels: feed, NEXUS, RSS, U.S. border, U.S. customs
Twice, police have seized vessels owned by Phil Stirling, carrying million of dollars worth of illicit drugs headed for the Canada. Both times, Phil Stirling and his crew were set free.
A new virulent fish virus, viral hemorrhagic septicemia, has been found in fish in the lower Great Lakes - Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, Niagara River, Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence River. This virus has been linked to die-offs of four fish species so far, and could decimate fish if allowed to spread. The U.S. banned the import of 37 live fish species - including rainbow trout, chinook and coho salmon - from Ontario and Quebec, and also banned movement of fish between eight states. The Ontario government is putting restrictions on transport of live bait from the Great Lakes area to stop the virus from spreading north and west. (
Labels: bait, fish, Great Lakes
Labels: "Peter Brock", sailor