Boating in Canada News

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2 February 2014

Canadian Herb Hilgenberg honoured by the Ocean Cruising Club

The Ocean Cruising Club (OCC) awarded the Award of Merit to Herb Hilgenberg this year. Herb had volunteered his services as a weather forecaster and router from his home for more than 25 years, and was well-known among sailors making oceans passages. Seven days a week, sailors in the Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Sea could call Herb on his marine HF/SSB radio (VAX498) with their position and local conditions, and receive a customized weather routing report. Herb retired in 2013.

Herb was also awarded a Meritorious Pubic Service Award by the United States Coast Guard for his 'unique and reliable services'. They estimated that Herb saved 100-150 mariners each year from sailing into storms. He also relayed at least 25 distress and overdue calls a year to the Rescue Coordination Centres.

'We cannot thank you enough for the more than 25 years of dedication to safety at sea via Southbound II Coastal,' said OCC Commodore John Franklin. 'Although I personally will greatly miss your presence on board, the OCC wishes you every happiness in your next adventure.'

Herb was awarded the Queen’s Golden Jubilee Medal in 2002.

More about Herb HilgenbergArticle by Sail Magazine 


At April 25, 2014, Blogger Unknown said...

Do you have any mooring companies in Canada? They are boating services. I am guessing that they call it something different in Canada.

At May 02, 2014, Blogger Pat Drummond said...

Marinas in inland waterways and lakes have docks and offer a range of services. Not as familiar with mooring services but maybe more common in tidal areas. The season is normally shorter in Canada so that affects the marine business.


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